Welcome GPT-4o!

OpenAI is excited to introduce GPT-4o, their new flagship model capable of reasoning across audio, visual, and textual data in real time. This groundbreaking advancement in artificial intelligence technology marks a significant leap forward in the integration and understanding of multiple data modalities.

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OpenAI GPT-4o

Image credit: openai.com

Introducing GPT-4o: A New Era in AI

OpenAI is thrilled to announce GPT-4o, latest flagship model designed to revolutionize human-computer interaction. With its ability to reason across audio, visual, and textual data in real time, GPT-4o represents a significant leap forward in artificial intelligence technology.

Read More About GPT-4o

What is GPT-4o?

GPT-4o, where "o" stands for "omni," is a state-of-the-art AI model developed by OpenAI. It is capable of processing and generating any combination of text, audio, and image outputs. This makes GPT-4o an incredibly versatile tool for a wide range of applications, from content creation and multimedia analysis to more advanced fields like autonomous systems and interactive AI.

About GPT-4o

How Does GPT-4o Work?

GPT-4o leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to integrate and reason across multiple data modalities simultaneously. This model is designed to accept inputs in the form of text, audio, and images, and it can produce outputs in any combination of these formats. Its response times are remarkably fast, with the ability to respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds, and an average response time of 320 milliseconds—comparable to human conversation speeds.

Key Features and Improvements

  • Enhanced Emotion Recognition: GPT-4o possesses advanced emotion recognition capabilities, enabling it to perceive and respond to emotional cues in real-time conversations. This feature significantly enhances the model's ability to understand context and tailor responses accordingly.

  • Real-time Interaction: GPT-4o introduces real-time responsiveness, allowing users to engage with the model in natural conversation without significant delays or interruptions. This advancement eliminates the typical lag experienced in previous models, making interactions with GPT-4o more seamless and engaging.

  • Multimodal Capabilities: Unlike its predecessors, GPT-4o seamlessly integrates text, vision, and audio processing within a single model. This means GPT-4o can interpret and generate responses across different modalities simultaneously, enabling a richer and more immersive user experience.

  • Improved Accessibility: One of the most groundbreaking aspects of GPT-4o is its accessibility. OpenAI is democratizing access to cutting-edge AI technology by making GPT-4o available to all users, including those on free plans. This move aims to empower millions of individuals worldwide to harness the power of advanced AI tools without constraints.

  • Multimodal Input and Output: GPT-4o can handle any combination of text, audio, and image inputs and outputs, making it an all-encompassing AI solution.

  • Real-Time Processing: With response times averaging 320 milliseconds, GPT-4o provides a seamless, human-like interaction experience.

  • Enhanced Language Capabilities: It matches GPT-4 Turbo's performance on English text and coding tasks, with significant improvements in non-English languages.

  • Cost-Effective and Efficient: GPT-4o is 50% cheaper in the API and much faster than its predecessors, offering significant cost and time savings.

  • Superior Vision and Audio Understanding: This model excels in processing visual and audio data, outperforming existing models in these areas.

How to Use GPT-4o

GPT-4o can be accessed through OpenAI’s API, which allows developers to integrate its capabilities into their applications. The API is designed to be user-friendly, with comprehensive documentation and support to help users get started. Whether you're developing a chatbot, an automated content creator, or a multimedia analysis tool, GPT-4o can be seamlessly integrated to enhance your project's capabilities.

How to Use GPT-4o

Who Can Access GPT-4o?

GPT-4o is available to developers, researchers, and businesses looking to leverage advanced AI in their applications. OpenAI offers various access plans to cater to different needs, from individual developers to large enterprises.

Accessing GPT-4o

Benefits of GPT-4o

  • Versatility: With its ability to handle multiple data types, GPT-4o can be used in a wide range of applications, from content creation to complex data analysis.

  • Efficiency: Faster processing times and lower costs make GPT-4o a highly efficient choice for developers and businesses.

  • Improved Interaction: Real-time, multimodal interactions create more natural and engaging user experiences.

  • Language Proficiency: Enhanced performance in non-English languages broadens the model's applicability globally.

GPT-4o Safety

Safety remains a top priority for OpenAI. GPT-4o includes robust safety features designed to minimize harmful outputs and ensure responsible use. OpenAI has implemented extensive testing and safety protocols to prevent misuse and to protect users from potential risks.

Read More About GPT-4o Safety and Limitations

GPT-4o Model Availability

GPT-4o represents latest advancement in deep learning, focusing on practical usability. Over the past two years, GPT-4o dedicated significant effort to improving efficiency at every layer of the stack. As a result, GPT-4o can now offer a GPT-4 level model to a much wider audience. GPT-4o’s capabilities will be introduced iteratively, starting with extended red team access today.

Starting today (13th,May,2024), GPT-4o’s text and image capabilities are rolling out in ChatGPT. This model is available to users on the free tier and to Plus users with up to 5x higher message limits. Additionally, a new version of Voice Mode featuring GPT-4o will be available in alpha for ChatGPT Plus users in the coming weeks.

Developers can also access GPT-4o in the API as a text and vision model. Compared to GPT-4 Turbo, GPT-4o is twice as fast, half the price, and offers 5x higher rate limits. In the coming weeks, GPT-4o plan to launch support for GPT-4o's new audio and video capabilities to a small group of trusted partners through the API.

Read Morr GPT-4o Evaluations

Release Date of GPT-4o

GPT-4o was officially released in 2024, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of AI technology. This release builds on the success of previous models, incorporating feedback from users and advancements in AI research to deliver a more powerful and versatile tool.

Future Implications and Challenges

As with any advanced technology, GPT-4o presents new challenges, particularly in ensuring its safe and ethical use. OpenAI remains committed to collaborating with stakeholders across industries to address concerns related to privacy, security, and the potential misuse of AI technologies. The deployment of GPT-4o signifies a significant step forward in AI-human collaboration, paving the way for a future where interactions with machines are more natural, intuitive, and impactful.

Bringing More Intelligence and Advanced Tools for Free

GPT-4o mission is to make advanced AI tools accessible to as many people as possible. Each week, over a hundred million people use ChatGPT, and GPT-4o excited to expand access to more intelligence and advanced tools for ChatGPT Free users in the coming weeks.
With GPT-4o, ChatGPT Free users will gain access to a range of powerful features, including:

  • Experience GPT-4 Level Intelligence: Leverage the advanced capabilities of GPT-4o for more accurate and insightful interactions.
  • Get Responses from Both the Model and the Web: Receive comprehensive answers by combining the power of GPT-4o with web-based information.
  • Analyze Data and Create Charts: Easily analyze data sets and generate visual representations to enhance understanding and decision-making.
  • Chat About Photos You Take: Discuss and get insights on the photos you share, enhancing your visual communication.
  • Upload Files for Assistance: Upload documents for help with summarizing, writing, or analyzing content.
  • Discover and Use GPTs and the GPT Store: Explore and utilize various GPTs available in the GPT Store.
  • Build a More Helpful Experience with Memory: Create a more personalized and helpful user experience with memory capabilities.

Try GPT-4o Advanced Tools
Image Generation with GPT-4o

Image credit: openai.com

Image Generation with GPT-4o

GPT-4o does not have the capability to generate images directly. Instead, for image generation tasks, you can use models like DALL-E 3. GPT-4o and GPT-4 Turbo are designed to understand and interpret images, providing detailed insights and context about them. This makes them useful for applications that require image analysis rather than generation.

GPT-4o showcases powerful image generation capabilities, excelling in tasks such as one-shot reference-based image generation and accurate text depictions.

The images below highlight GPT-4o's impressive ability to transform specific words into alternative visual designs, demonstrating a skill akin to creating custom fonts.

Try Image Generation

GPT-4o API Price

Understanding the cost associated with using GPT-4o is crucial for developers and businesses planning to leverage its capabilities. The pricing is divided based on input and output tokens, making it straightforward to estimate usage costs.

GPT-4o Pricing:

  • Input: $5.00 per 1 million tokens
  • Output: $15.00 per 1 million tokens

The same pricing applies to the GPT-4o model version dated 2024-05-13, ensuring consistency across different iterations of the model.

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GPT-4o Benchmarking

The benchmarking of GPT-4o is an essential process that evaluates its NLP performance, vision capabilities, multimodal integration, efficiency, and ethical considerations. These benchmarks provide valuable insights into the model's strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring that GPT-4o delivers high performance, reliability, and ethical integrity across its diverse applications.

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GPT-4o Desktop App

The launch of the GPT-4o Desktop App marks a significant milestone in the evolution of AI technology. By integrating text, vision, and audio capabilities, GPT-4o offers a richer, more engaging user experience, paving the way for innovative applications across various sectors. As businesses explore the potential of this advanced model, they can look forward to significant improvements in customer service, analytics, and content creation. Stay tuned for more exciting developments and updates at Microsoft Build 2024.

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Image Generation with GPT-4o

Image credit: google.com

ChatGPT-4o vs. Google Gemini

Explore the latest advancements in AI with our in-depth comparison of OpenAI's ChatGPT-4o and Google's Gemini Live. Both models showcase cutting-edge capabilities, including real-time responses, multimodal interactions, and advanced language processing. Discover how ChatGPT-4o's seamless integration of text, audio, and visual inputs stacks up against Gemini Live's dynamic interaction and Google Lens-esque features. Learn about their strengths, differences, and potential applications to determine which AI assistant is the best fit for your needs.

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Understanding GPT-4o RAG

GPT-4o RAG represents a state-of-the-art integration of OpenAI's advanced GPT-4o model with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques. This combination leverages the generative capabilities of GPT-4o and the contextual accuracy of retrieval-based methods, resulting in a highly efficient AI system capable of generating precise and contextually relevant responses.

Try GPT-4o RAG
Understanding GPT-4o RAG

FAQs about GPT-4o

What is GPT-4o and What Can It Do?

GPT-4o is an advanced AI model that offers intelligence comparable to GPT-4. It excels in processing text, vision, and audio, enabling immersive experiences in education, content creation, and more.

How does GPT-4o differ from previous models?

GPT-4o stands out with its ability to integrate and reason across multiple data modalities (text, audio, and visual) in real time. It also offers faster response times, improved performance in non-English languages, and is more cost-effective compared to previous models.

What are the primary applications of GPT-4o?

GPT-4o can be used in various applications, including multimedia content creation, interactive AI systems, autonomous systems, education, entertainment, and complex data analysis.

How fast is GPT-4o?

GPT-4o can respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds, with an average response time of 320 milliseconds, making it comparable to human conversation speeds.

When will GPT-4o be available and how much does it cost?

OpenAI's GPT-4o will begin rolling out its text and image capabilities on May 13. It will be available for free to all users, while paid users will enjoy up to five times the capacity limits.

What makes GPT-4o more cost-effective?

GPT-4o is 50% cheaper in the API than its predecessors, offering significant cost savings for developers and businesses while providing faster processing times and enhanced capabilities.

How can developers access GPT-4o?

Developers can access GPT-4o through OpenAI’s API. The API is designed to be user-friendly, with comprehensive documentation and support available to help integrate GPT-4o into various applications.

What safety measures are in place for GPT-4o?

OpenAI has implemented extensive safety protocols and testing to minimize harmful outputs and ensure responsible use of GPT-4o. These measures are designed to protect users and prevent misuse of the technology.

How does GPT-4o handle non-English languages?

GPT-4o offers significant improvements in processing non-English languages compared to previous models, making it a versatile tool for global applications.

What are the unique features of GPT-4o in vision and audio understanding?

GPT-4o excels in vision and audio understanding, outperforming existing models in these areas. This allows for more accurate and contextually aware processing of multimedia content.

When was GPT-4o released?

GPT-4o was officially released in 2024, marking a major advancement in the field of artificial intelligence and setting a new standard for multimodal AI models.

Is GPT-4o Accessible to Everyone?

Yes, GPT-4o is designed to be accessible to all users, including those on free plans. This democratization of advanced AI technology empowers users worldwide.

Can I Use GPT-4o for Creating Interactive Educational Content?

Absolutely! GPT-4o's capabilities make it ideal for developing interactive educational materials that engage learners through text, visual, and audio interactions.

How Can Developers Leverage GPT-4o for Building AI Applications?

Developers can integrate GPT-4o via API to create innovative AI applications with real-time text, visual, and audio processing. GPT-4o's efficiency and capabilities open new possibilities for scalable deployment.

Can I fine-tune the image capabilities in GPT-4o?

No, GPT-4o do not currently support fine-tuning the image capabilities of GPT-4o.

Can I use GPT-4o to generate images?

No, you can use DALL-E 3 to generate images, while GPT-4o or GPT-4 Turbo can be used to understand images.

Where can I learn more about the considerations of GPT-4o with Vision?

You can find detailed information about GPT-4o evaluations, preparation, and mitigation efforts in the GPT-4o with Vision system card. Additionally, GPT-4o model have implemented a system to block the submission of CAPTCHAs.

How do rate limits for GPT-4o with Vision work?

GPT-4o process images at the token level, meaning each image processed counts towards your tokens per minute (TPM) limit. For details on how token counts per image are calculated, refer to the calculating costs section.

Can GPT-4o with Vision understand image metadata?

No, the model does not process image metadata.

What is the difference between the GPT-4 model versions?

Learn about the differences between GPT-4 model versions. There are several GPT-4 models available, including a new generation of GPT-4 models. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing which GPT-4 model to use:

  • Context Window: Some models have a context window as low as 8k, while others offer up to 128k.
  • Knowledge Cutoff: Certain models have been trained on more up-to-date information, making them better suited for specific tasks.
  • Cost: The cost varies among models. For instance, the latest GPT-4 Turbo model is less expensive than previous GPT-4 variants. More details can be found on GPT-4o pricing page.
  • Feature Set: Some models include new features like JSON mode, reproducible outputs, parallel function calling, and more.
  • Rate Limits: Different models have varying rate limits. For more details on each model's limits, refer to the limits page.